Getting here
However you get into central Cambridge, approach John’s from the back, the entrance is on Northampton Street, next to St. John´s Chophouse.
If there’s space, you can park in Cripps Car Park for a short time to unload your stuff, but for longer-term stay, you’ll have to park in the playing fields car park on the other side of Queen’s Road (there will be signs!)
You will be able to arrive in college from 8am-3pm on Tuesday 1st October and Friday 4th October for international and home students respectively. You will go to the reception centre to sign in (details below) and you will then go back to your car to unload your luggage.
That evening, you will be welcomed to the College by the Master, Senior Tutor and the JCR co-presidents, before meeting your tutor and Director of Studies (DoS) and have your first experience of fine dining in our beloved Hogwarts-esque hall! (for free!)
The JCR committee will all be wearing stash with our names on, so look out for us! We’ll be here to help you find your way around and answer any questions.

Signing In
As soon as you arrive, you need to go to the Palmerston Room in the Fisher Building (next to the Cripps building – click
here for a college map)
and sign your tenancy agreement, pick up your key and college card, as well as various important pieces of paper.
The JCR committee will be there, handing out your Freshers Week timetable and wristband.
This wristband will be your pass for many important events over the course of the week and will have an emergency phone number written on import
– do not cut it off before 9th October!
The rest of the day
You can then start the arduous process of unloading the car; trolleys will be available in the Car Park. Sign them out with the resident porter (make sure you return them, too!). You’ll also be able to register your bike with College (if you have one).
Once you’ve finished unpacking, wander across College to your pigeon-hole (by the main gate in first court) to check your post. The Junior Combination Room (JCR) in 2nd Court will be open all day, along with the JCR committee to answer any questions you might have.
After dining in Hall that evening there will be Fresher staircase parties where you can meet your neighbours for the year. From there you may wish to venture out and experience the night life of Cambridge, although as a word of warning you'll probably have an early start the next day!